
"A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." – Proverbs 15:1

Communication is an important part of life, whether it’s a person at a restaurant telling the waiter/waitress what they would like to order, a parent telling their child how much they love them, or a relative giving driving directions to a family member from out of town who will soon be visiting; We are often placed in situations where we need to communicate something to someone. The things we say (and the way we say them) can have a huge impact on people. Today’s blog entry deals with “Communication”.

Communication is extremely important in friendships/relationships. In order for two people to get to know each other, they’re going to need to spend time communicating with each other. It’s not only important that we communicate, but also that we communicate effectively. We should use respect when speaking to each other. There may be times when two people disagree, but we should still remain respectful if those types of situations arise. Sometimes, the way we say things, can impact a person more than the actual words that we have spoken.

“But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:” – Ephesians 4:15

If we have an issue with someone, we should spend time in prayer, and ask God for guidance as to how we should move forward. We shouldn’t go around telling everybody about how much the person irritates us; instead we should go directly to the person in a respectful manner (making sure we speak to them in a way that shows forth love). Sometimes a person can be doing something that’s annoying another person, and not even realize it until the other person brings it up (I realize this is not always the case). This is very important in relationships because what can happen is... Person A will go to their friends and vent about Person B, instead of going directly to Person B about the situation. As time goes on, Person A gets even more upset with Person B as a result of the feedback they’re getting from friends. And eventually, a situation that could have easily been defused ends up causing a lot of problems within the friendship/relationship. If we’re in a situation where we feel like we need to address someone, I think it’s a good idea to put ourselves in that person’s shoe’s, and speak to them the way we would want to be spoken to if the situation were reversed.

When people communicate in a way that is effective, a lot can be accomplished. One area where you may have seen this played out is during a sporting event. In a sport like Football, it is very important that everyone on is on the same page. Each player in the game needs to know the play is about to be ran, so that they can be in the proper position to execute the play. If players don’t communicate with each other on the field properly, it can lead to a lot problems, but if they communicate well, it can lead to a lot of success. Likewise, if we communicate with others well in our everyday lives, our friendships/relationships can continue to grow.

As we continue to grow in our walk with Jesus, let us communicate with Him on a daily basis through prayer. Let us continue to speak the truth in love, and share the Gospel with others. Let us constantly strive to be more like Jesus, and honor Him in everything we do.

“ Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”- 1 Corinthians 10:31